Casual Dinner Party Food.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Casual Dinner Parties. It’s what we love to do! We always have friends over to our place for food and drinks. We love to prepare these for friends and family - and of course eat the food! It may seem daunting, but entertaining your friends doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. Below I have laid out a simple and cheap night of food (drink post will follow later) that didn't take too long to prepare and allows you to sit back and enjoy your night with your guests.

A few weekends ago, we decided very last minute that we would have some friends over. There were about 10 people in total attending. Because it was so last minute, we were a bit restricted to what we could make. Luckily we were used to entertaining, and we were able to fall on our 'safe' items that we have prepared time and time again.

Time: 2 Hours
Items on the Menu: Chili/Jalapeno Poppers, Potato Skins, Chicken Wings, Mini Pizzas.

Ingredients Bought:
Four packs of Chicken Wings (12 in each)
One Jar of Franks Hot Sauce
Butter (Kerrygold)
3 Bags of Potatoes (Microwave in the bag)
2 Mixed bags of Cheddar and Mozzarella (grated)
1 Tub Sour Cream
1 Pack Spicy Chorizo
1 bunch Scallions
2 Packs of Pita Breads
1 Jar Passata
1 Bag of Mozzarella
2 Packs of Chillis/Jalapenos (whole)
1 Tub Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1 Pack of Bacon Strips

We also picked up some Tortillas and Dips, just to tie people over when they first arrived, as the food wouldn't be ready right away. It’s important not to have it ready too early, because nobody is ever on time and the food will be gone cold.

There were two of us in the kitchen. He started on the wings and chili's, I started on the potatoes and pizzas. Below is how we prepared and cooked, item by item, step by step.

Potato Skins:
1.     I threw the bag of potatoes into the microwave as they took 13- 15 minutes to cook. I know some people might not like this option, so it’s exactly the same to steam or oven cook your potatoes yourself, but I was caught for time and this was a saviour!
2.     While those were cooking, I was prepping the items that were going on the potato skins. I sliced the chorizo and then cut each slice in half. I threw these onto a dry frying pan over a medium to high heat and let them simmer away. You don’t need oil for these because a lot of oil comes out of the chorizo while cooking. Once these got sizzling, I turned the heat down low to let them continue to cook but not burn. Once they were crispy enough, I turned off the heat and removed the chorizo pieces and placed them in a bowl. I left the chorizo oil in the pan as I use that for the wings later.
3. I washed and chopped the scallions and placed these in another bowl. The grated cheese was placed next to these bowls and a chopping board. That was all the prep for the potato skins done!
4. Once one bag of potatoes is done, I carefully (it gets hot) removed the bag from the microwave and placed them on the draining board. I popped another bag in and started it cooking. Slice open the bag and be careful as hot steam does come out of the bag initially. Once this has gone, you can remove the hot potatoes and place them on a chopping board. I slice these in half - length ways- and again leave them cool a small bit. 
5. Once they are cool enough to touch - scoop out as much or as little potato as you wish. You can save this potato for the day after or you can mix the ingredients into this potato and scoop it back in. I choose to scoop out about half of the potato and leave it for the next day.
6. I repeat this for the following two bags. Once all the potatoes are cooled, sliced and scooped - you can start to assemble. (Top Tip - you can turn the potato halves over, so they skin is pointing up, and brush these with some oil or butter. Place these in a hot oven for a few minutes until the skin is crispy. Remove and then you can continue with the assembly as per usual). Place the potato halves on the oven tray (skins side down) and sprinkle the grated cheese on top, ensuring there is good coverage over all the potatoes. Then add the crispy chorizo and scallions. Pop these into the oven and allow to cook until the cheese is melted and the skins have crisped up. Serve with Sour Cream.

Mini Pizzas:
We tried to get a pizza base like we used to find in our local shop in Dublin, but could not find it in SuperValu in Cork. Therefore we went for the pitta bread option, and it turned out well.

1. I cut open pitta breads as you usually would, but sliced these the whole way through. Once these were open, using a round shaped cutter I cut out circles from the pitta that were about 2-3 inches wide.
2. I placed these on a tray and brushed them with oil.
3. I then put these into the oven and allowed them to crisp up for about 7-10 minutes at 180 degrees. You might think that these have gone too crispy but they will soften once the sauce and cheese have been added later so it’s how they are meant to be!
4. While these are cooking, you can make the tomato sauce. One jar of passata sauce into a bowl. Add two tbsp. of olive oil and a tbsp. of oregano/basil. Then sprinkle some salt and pepper in and stir altogether.
5. Once these are out of the oven and cooled, you can add 2 tsps of the tomato sauce (per mini pizza. Any more than that and the base will get soggy.
6. Slice or tear the mozzarella ball and place pieces on your mini pizzas.
7. We added Prosciutto & Oregano on top and had them in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes, or until you are happy that the cheese has melted. Easy and Delicious!

Chili Poppers:
We were nervous about people not wanting to eat these, but they were actually the first item devoured by our guests. Everybody loved them! These are also so easy to prepare and cook, and are definitely something you can prepare well in advance and just throw into the oven when your guests arrived.

1. Wash the chili’s (You can use regular chilies or Jalapenos here) and slice lengthways but only half way or just enough so you can remove the white pieces and some seeds inside.
2. Put the Philadelphia into a piping bag and pipe the cream cheese into the chilies (fill them right up).
3. Wrap each chili in bacon strips.
4. Place each of these poppers onto an oven tray and put in the oven until the bacon has cooked and crisped up and the cheese has melted. Some of the cheese may overflow out the top but only slightly.

Told you these were simple!

Chicken Wings:
1. Place your chicken wings in a deep oven tray, Sprinkle with oil, salt and pepper and cover in foil.
2. Place into the oven for 45 minutes at 160 degrees.
3. Remove the foil and allow the skins to crisp up for another 20 minutes. You can put the grill on in the oven as well to get extra crispiness.
4. Once these are done, you can allow them to keep warm in the oven while you prepare the sauce.
5. Pour the Franks Hot Sauce in the pot and turn on the heat to medium/high heat.
6. Add 100g butter and the oil from the chorizo that was used earlier. Stir until it comes to a simmer and then lower the heat to keep simmering.
7. Once the butter is melted and the chorizo oil is incorporated, the sauce should be hot through it all.
8. You can pour this sauce over the wings ensure they are all covered, or you can serve them separately in case anyone does not like this sauce.

Step by Step how we prepped the 4 items above that night:
Potato Skins
Chicken Wings
Mini Pizzas
Chili Poppers

1.     One bag of potatoes are put into the microwave for 12 – 15 minutes, depending on what it says on the bag. If you rather steam or oven cook your potatoes, start this process now too.
2.     Chicken Wings were put into two oven pans, drizzled with oil, and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Oven temp 160 degrees Celsius. These will cook for 45 minutes to an hour.
3.     Bottle of ‘Franks Hot Sauce’ was opened and poured into a saucepan. The heat is not turned on at this stage.
4.     Slice chorizo and chop each slice in half. Throw these pieces into a frying pan (dry) and leave at a medium/high heat until they start to sizzle. You can lower the heat and allow them to crisp up. Once complete, remove from the pan and put into a bow. Leave the chorizo oil in the frying pan as you will use this in a minute.
5.     Wash and chop your scallions and place in a bowl.
6.     Grate your cheese and place in a bowl/leave the packet of grated cheese next to the scallions and chorizo.
7.     Once the potatoes are cooked, remove the bag (CAREFULLY as they are hot) and place on the draining board. Put the second pack of potatoes into the microwave and start cooking. Slice open the bag, again be careful with the steam that comes out of the bag, and then remove the potatoes and place in a bowl. Repeat this for the other two bags of potatoes that are cooked.
8.     While waiting for all the potatoes to cook, you can start on the mini pizzas. Slice open the pitta breads fully, and using a round cutter cut out circles from the pitta bread. Place all the mini pitta circles on a tray and brush each one with oil. Put the trays in the oven for 5 to 10 minutes.
9.     Prepare the mozzarella and prosciutto pieces in a bowl on the counter. Place next to a chopping board/preparation plate.
10.  Pour the passata into a bowl and add 2 tbsp oil, 1 tbsp oregano/basil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.
11.  Remove the pitta breads from the oven. They should be crispy. Don’t worry if you think they are too crisp, as they will soften with the sauce and cheese. Remove and leave to cool.
12.  The Chili Poppers are easy to prepare. Wash the chilis and slice lengthways but not the full way – just enough so you can remove the white pieces and seeds from inside. Pipe the philadephia cream cheese into each chili using a piping bag (make one here). Wrap each chili in bacon strips. Leave in a tray until ready for the oven.
13.  Spoon 2 tsps pizza sauce onto each mini pizza base and place a piece of mozzarella on top. You can add the prosciutto pieces and some oregano on top too. Once these are all prepated, place on a tray and into the oven. These can remain on a tray in the kitchen until ready to cook.
14.  The most time consuming piece is slicing all the potatoes in half and scooping out the potato. I keep the leftover potato for the following day, but some people add the ingredients into this and spoon it back into the potato shell. It will just take a small bit longer to crisp up and can make people a lot fuller faster.
15.  Once the potato is scooped out, place each half on a tray and sprinkle the cheese, chorizo and scallions evenly over the potatoes. Cook in the oven until the cheese is melted and the skins have crisped up. Serve with sour cream. These are also another item that sits on a tray nicely until ready to pop into the oven.
16.  The last thing to do, which needs to be done before serving, is the wings sauce. Pour the Franks Hot Sauce in the pot and turn on the heat to medium/high heat. Add 100g butter and the oil from the chorizo that was used earlier. Stir until it comes to a simmer and then lower the heat. You can cover the wings in this sauce and ensure they are all covered, or you can serve them separately in case anyone does not like this sauce

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