Rules for Entertaining - Part 1

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Looking to have a dinner party or casual get together that involves food and wine? We have come up with top 10 tips for throwing a soirée in this three part series. Learn from our list (and past mistakes) and let us know your own tips for a better and more relaxing party...

Number 1 – Make something you know.
This is a rule I constantly break and then live to regret it. Take it from me – you do not want the stress! I have had two dinner parties in the past where I made something for the first time and if only for luck they would have been a major disaster. One time I had my guests waiting two hours for their main course because I timed the slow-cooking meat incorrectly, and another time my oven was at the wrong temperature so the meat nearly overcooked. In that last instance I only lucked out because I was checking it regularly and that I had overcompensated with the amount of meat I bought. The outside was slightly overdone but I got away with the inside and I had just enough to feed my guests.

Number 2 – Do what you can to prepare beforehand.
Make your salad dressing the night before. Lay the table the night before. Purchase your ingredients the day(s) before. Choose a dessert that can be made the day(s) before. Clean the day before. Whatever, and I mean whatever, can be done in advance for the night – you should do it. It allows you to relax and not have a last minute panic moment just before your guests arrive.

Number 3 – Choose a dish that does not require much attention.
Choose something that you can flake in the oven and check on quickly a few times. Something that does not require you to stand in the kitchen while the party goes on in the other room. Who wants to be stirring a pot in one room while laughter erupts in another? This also goes for accompaniments. Choose rice that can be done in one pot rather than something that needs three or four steps right at the last minute before serving. You don’t need that stress!

Part 2 and 3 coming soon...
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